Stálogy 018 365 Days Notebook [A5] Berry Red [Limited Edition]

30.02 EUR
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SKU: S4174
Brand: Stálogy

Stálogy 018 Editor's Series 365Days Notebook [Limited Edition]

Limited Edition! Stálogy's 365 Days Notebook is the perfect choice for you who want to keep track - for a long time. Stálogy's Editor's Note series is specially designed with editors in mind, who use a single notebook for different purposes: scribbling down ideas, organizing schedules, and taking notes. The minimal details on each page makes it possible to use it as a diary, daily planner, bullet journal or sketchbook - or all at once. Despite its many pages, it's easy to carry due to its thin paper. The paper works wonders with fountain pens, but due to its smoothness, it takes a little longer for the ink to dry. Also available in several other colors.

Size:148 × 210 × 14 mm
Pages:368 (184 sheets)
Grid size:4 x 4 mm

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