Midori MD Paperpad [A4] Grid

12.82 EUR
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SKU: 91803386
Brand: Midori

This paperpad with Midori's fantastic MD Paper is glued on both the short and long end, which - together with the thick underlying board - makes it extra stable. The unique gluing also makes it easier for note-taking even in landscape format. Ut also allows you to take notes standing up.

The block has a cut corner, which makes it easier to turn the page.

Quantity:90 sheets
Size:297 × 210 × 10 mm
Sökord: midori md paperpad rutad a4, midori md a4, midori paperpad rutad a4, midori md paper pad rutad a4, midori paper pad rutad a4, midori md paperpad grid a4, midori md a4, midori paperpad grid a4, midori md paper pad grid a4, midori paper pad grid a4